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We give back to society

SIP Protection takes CSR very seriously. So does the group we are part of. We report on everything we do, including what and how we give back to society.

Our extensive report of 150 pages contains everything you want to know about Sioen and Corporate Social Responsibility. In this report, you can read about our efforts on environment, workplace, market place and society. It is a sustainability report and more. You can read about our carbon footprint, charity work, our efforts in the field of sustainable and renewable energy sources and products, our waste management and many more. It gives you an overview of who we are and what we stand for.

Unique in our business, is that we report the carbon footprint of our garments. The carbon intensity average of one Sioen/ SIP Protection garment is 1.97 kg CO2 whereas average carbon footprint per garment easily can be five to tenfold.

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