New SIP Protection team page

Are you as eager as we are to meet new people? Obviously, the pandemic has been a real challenge to so many people. Now more than ever, we realise how much we need social contact and a job we carry in our hearts. A strong team keeps you going even in challenging times.
So we decided to add two new team members who are passionate about chainsaw protection. Have you already met Sam and Laurent?
Sam is now sales manager for the DACH region and Italy. He’s our youngest SIP Protection sales team member. Yet, young doesn’t mean inexperienced. His passions, you ask? Well, everything German and obviously, the outdoors.
Laurent is sales manager for France and the Netherlands. He’s a true SIP Protection fanatic. Even in his spare time, he can only think about chainsaws, oh, and about boxing and cooking, but mainly chainsaws.
We are really glad to have welcomed them to our team. On our new SIP Protection team page, you can get a first impression of our team members, but, of course, we cannot wait to meet you again in person.
You might already know Paul and Elisa, but Jeroen, Goele and Christa are also much appreciated team members who are indispensable for creating your chainsaw garments.
Don’t hesitate to visit our team page. Hope to see you soon.